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Thursday, November 11, 2010

:- ChatSquare Breaks The Unseen Barriers of Location Based Services

ChatSquare, developed by entrepreneur Nir Ofir, integrates location based social networks and communication channels into a single, simple-to-use mobile interface, users can easily share content and communicate in real time with people located around them.
With Chatsquare on your phone you can discover and connect with people around you. The app creates chat rooms for each place you visit so you can easily connect with new people around you. ChatSq is a fully operational HTML5 webapp for iPhone and Android OS mobile phones – Taking advantage of smart phones location based, always on features.
While in the Internet “Knowing” someone doesn’t really mean you met him. “Friending” is just a click of a button. In the real world unseen barriers block us from interacting with strangers that are sitting next to us in the park or coffee shop. ChatSq is trying to solve exactly that. They are experimenting in the space between the online and the offline world. Trying to solve the above post modern dissonance by mixing the online social experience into our offline day to day urban living.