How To Clean Chanel Classic Flap Purses?
Stylish--a word that would describe a black Chanel bag. One word yet it is everything a handbag should be. Chanel bags made it to the top fashion market because of its style and elegance. It is known for its very slow and intricate craftsmanship that have made the bags neatly tailored and styled. Each handbag is carefully tailored to suit Coco Chanel's specific instructions-to produce a perfect and symmetrical bag. To know help you out with your handbags, here is an idea on how to remove a stain from a black Chanel bag.
You have to take note of the material your Chanel handbags is made from. Usually there are made of leather and that's the most particular bag to clean. When cleaning a handbag, it is always better to clean the insides. Remove every article and the dust. We will be applying leather conditioner in end and we don't want the dirt inside sticking with the conditioner later on. In addition to that, use a microfiber cloth to wipe away the superficial dirt.
If you have a tiny mark or stain on your leather Chanel bags, you may clean it with transparent saddle soap. Just dip a small portion of your cloth to the saddle soap since you will just need the soap on the stained part. Using circular motion, carefully rub away the stain with your cloth. Just do it lightly and you may leave the saddle soap for a few minutes on the leather to make it easier to rub off the stain. Remember to always rub the leather lightly and just stay on the stained part.
Here's another tip. If you find the stained part a little bit discolored. Get a black shoe conditioner and apply only in the stained area. Lastly, apply leather conditioner. You may now apply it to the entire bag. Do not over excess the application of the leather bag conditioner or you may wipe the excess conditioner with a microfiber cloth. To maintain the luster of your black Chanel bag, you may apply the leather conditioner as often as once in every three months and before you put your bag to storage.
It is easy to maintain a black Leather Chanel bag than those colored ones. Furthermore, aside from they are easier to take care of. They are more versatile bags to use not just for shopping but even to work. Your black Chanel is considered classic and one of the most sought after handbags in the history of fashion.
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